Brief description of the technology
Companies, organizations and entities from all fields (health, finance, education, etc.) use communication networks to collect, process, store and share large amounts of digital information. As more data is collected and shared, the protection of this information becomes more important to our business.
In this context, cybersecurity is defined as the ability to protect network systems, infrastructures, and data from unauthorized use and potential harm (at the personal, corporate, and state level).
To do this, it is necessary to apply a set of technologies including cryptographic techniques, authentication methods, firewalls, virtual private networks, etc.
Benefits of your
Incorporation into the company
Industry 5.0, a highly automated, connected and intelligent industry, now faces increasingly sophisticated cyberspace threats targeting critical infrastructure and the smart devices they employ.
The cost of suffering a cyberattack can be very high, not only affecting the economy (machine downtime, loss of databases, etc.) but also the company’s own reputation.
Examples of
Enterprise Application
Attack on a water treatment system: The attack results in the complete downtime of the system, leaving a region without water supply. Specifically, once attackers gain access to the company’s network, they could reach the company’s control network and take control of SCADA systems. Thus, if they manage to control a pump and force it to change state (on-off), in the end the pump will break due to incorrect use, resulting in the end leaving a part of the population without supply.
Stored information hijacking: hijacking the information stored on the servers of a company or administration and encrypting it to make it inaccessible. Once that is done, the cyberattackers ask for a financial ransom in exchange for the cryptographic key that will allow it to be decrypted and made readable again for its owners, threatening to publish or even delete the information they have stolen.